Amaranth 'Red Cascade' Seeds

Amaranth 'Red Cascade' Seeds

Amaranth 'Red Cascade' Seeds


Amaranthus cruentus 'Red Cascade'

These long red tendrils will make a statement in your garden or in arrangements. Great for hanging baskets! Dries beautifully! To dry, hang upside down. Tender young leaves can even be eaten!

Plant Type:  Annual
Germination:  7-10 days at 70-75 F
Height: 3-4 ft
Light Preference: Full Sun                                                                    


Transplant: Sow 4-6 weeks before the last frost. Barely cover seed. Bottom water or mist to avoid covering seeds with displaced soil. Harden off by growing at 62-65°F and transplant outside after last frost. Direct Seed: After last frost, sow thinly, barely covering the seed. When seedlings have first true leaves, thin to 12-15" apart.

Plant Spacing: 6"

Seeds per packet: Approx  100